LEEUWARDEN – Leeuwarden, Cultural Capital of Europe in 2018, is not only the heart of Friesland, but also home to thousands of international students. Stenden University of Applied Sciences is the most famous Frisian university, which brings together cultures from all over the world.
By: Ligia Mihia
With a variety of courses, from International Hospitality Management (the top choice for both national and international students), Tourism Management, Leisure Management to Media and Entertainment Management, Information Technology, International Business and Management and Marketing, the school provides top education for future entrepreneurs and managers. The students can choose from the Dutch and the International stream; the latter giving them the opportunity to meet new people and learn about new and interesting cultures. The courses are taught in English and Dutch, as the staff is international as well.
Exotic destinations
The unique aspect of Stenden, which convinces thousands of students to enrol every year, is the Grand Tour. In the third year of study, out of four, the last one being the internship and thesis preparation, students have the rare chance to study various minors at exotic Stenden locations throughout the world: Bali, Thailand, South Africa and Qatar host hundreds of students every year. Perhaps the most popular minor amongst all is Event Management, which creates a tight competition between students once the applications open. Nevertheless, it is a unique and special opportunity to explore exotic destinations and combine study with travelling.
Problem Based Learning
Another reason students choose Stenden is Problem Based Learning (PBL). During this course they are faced with real-life problems that need solutions, which are provided by them after meticulous desk research. Based on the different issues, the students come up with learning goals in the form of questions. They conclude with a problem statement that offers recommendations in order to solve the problem. This program develops the students’ individual study and research skills, as well as their time management. Thus, they are forced to use academic information only and teaching them make a difference between quality and quantity.
The overall quality of the education provided by Stenden attracts new students every year, and enables the graduates to become professionals of their chosen careers. If you want to learn more about Stenden, register for the International Open Day on the 11th of February 2017 (https://stenden.com/en/find-your-course/events/international-open-day/) and come visit Leeuwarden!