YFK Marketing is an agency with an innovative concept, operating in an innovative sector. It is no surprise that they reached the finals of De HET of 058, the entrepreneurs award of Leeuwarden. More
Posts with: ■ By: Else Rietveld
CIN-ergy, finalist De HET: the best kept secret of Leeuwarden
CIN-ergy is one of the finalists of De HET, the entrepreneur award of Leeuwarden. They are established in a from the outside unobtrusive building at Hemrik, but they have clients as far away as America, South-Korea, and the Middle-East. More
Three finalists De HET of 058 announced
Who can call him- or herself the best entrepreneur of Leeuwarden for the year 2019? Who will run off with the ‘De HET’ trophy? On February first, the three finalists of the ‘Leeuwarder ondernemersprijs’ (Leeuwarden entrepreneur award) were announced during a lunch meeting in the ‘Kanselarij’. More
Dancing is so much more than just dancing
,,If everyone would dance, the world would look better. And here in Leeuwarden I would like to contribute to that, so that this mission spreads around”, Saco Velt states, owner of dance school Saco Velt. In the previous year he won the De HET entrepreneur award, in the category of cultural entrepreneur. More
Hundreds of Santa Clauses in the city center during the Santa Run [2]
On Saturday 22ndof December, the city center of Leeuwarden will be colored even more in red than it usually would during Christmas time. A legion of hundreds of Santa Clauses will make their way through the small streets for the annual Santa Run of 2½ kilometers. The proceeds of the run and the accompanying afterparty, will go to TOF Vakanties this year, a charity that organizes holidays for people with a mental disability. More
Priceless ice skating fun thanks to Santa Run [1]
The Saturday before Christmas will be just as fun as last year in Leeuwarden. The Santa Run will take place again! A legion of hikers, runners, people with rollators and wheelchairs – all dressed as Santa Claus – will festively march through the city. All for charity. This year the charity will be TOF Vakanties from Grou. More