Street art in Leeuwarden [7]: The color-blind artist and his work

“Untitled,” created by Color Blind, Harke Broersma, Nash & B-Art
This work was created by Color Blind. He got help from Nash and B-Art. This was commissioned in November 2018 by the Writer’s Block Mural Art Festival on the wall of the local theatre De Harmonie. Color Blind knows the word “prejudices” virtually not at all. He himself is color blind. More

Dancing is so much more than just dancing

,,If everyone would dance, the world would look better. And here in Leeuwarden I would like to contribute to that, so that this mission spreads around”, Saco Velt states, owner of dance school Saco Velt. In the previous year he won the De HET entrepreneur award, in the category of cultural entrepreneur. More