Through the eyes of… Aline Barbosa from Brazil: Houseboats and quiet parties

Hallo allemaal. My name is Aline Barbosa, I’m Brazilian, 30 years old and I moved to the Netherlands for Love. I knew a couple of things about Holland. In Brazil we learned about the Dutch in school. How they also tried to build a colony in Brazil, but were expelled by Portuguese and British in 1637. More

The food heaven on the Friday market

Have you ever wondered why the city of Leeuwarden is always so busy on Fridays and why everyone is hurrying  in the city center? Well, that is because of the farmers market, which is a temporary market organized only on Fridays on Wilhelminaplein, and for those who don’t know Leeuwarden yet, that’s in the city center, in front of the Fries Museum. The market is opened from the morning until afternoon, offering the best, ecological products at discounted prices. More