Welcome to the Village: it started off on a beer mat

The festival that started off on a beer mat. Welcome to the Village was established in 2013. A group of friends that form the organization of ‘Poppodium Asteriks’ were having a drink together and decided they wanted to do something outside, a festival. This soon turned into a unique festival that is becoming more popular every year. Rutger Smit, festival- and production coordinator of Welcome to the Village (see picture),is giving us a better look at the festival. More

The Holy Trinity of Leeuwarder nightlife

The nights in Leeuwarden are very different than the days. It’s when the night animals come out in all their glory, and that surely is something worth observing. Dutch and foreigner youth alike both disinhibit themselves in the streets that belong to them after sunset. This usually corresponds to Grote Hoogstraat, Oude Doelesteeg and Ruiterskwartier, the three streets that gather pretty much all the night life of the city. More

Broodje Bewust: The cafe that is always one step ahead

The fact that the Netherlands is below the sea level ishardly any news and neither is the fact that we are currently struggling with a huge climate threat. Having the earth and the future in mind, there have been different trends that can be followed in order to think and act sustainable. Not only, from a human perspective, but also from a local company perspective. More

The food heaven on the Friday market

Have you ever wondered why the city of Leeuwarden is always so busy on Fridays and why everyone is hurrying  in the city center? Well, that is because of the farmers market, which is a temporary market organized only on Fridays on Wilhelminaplein, and for those who don’t know Leeuwarden yet, that’s in the city center, in front of the Fries Museum. The market is opened from the morning until afternoon, offering the best, ecological products at discounted prices. More