My name is Evren Baba. I am 23 years old. I was born and raised in İstanbul, Turkey. I came Leeuwarden as an exchange student. I study Communication at NHL University. I chose to be in Leeuwarden. Because, living in a place like Netherlands is different for me, but living in a small but exciting city like Leeuwarden is totally something else. ???? More
Posts with: YourPost
Lena Lötzer from Germany – YourPost’s DNA
My name is Lena Lötzer, I am 22 years old and from a small village in Germany. After finishing high school, I went to New Zealand for a year. In New Zealand, I grooved my English language skills, immersed myself in a different culture, and met people with various backgrounds from all over the world. The international atmosphere impressed me so much that I decided to study abroad. This is how I came to Leeuwarden three years ago. More
Kristina Bogoeva from Bulgaria – YourPost’s DNA
My name is Kristina Bogoeva and I am 21. I come from Bulgaria and this is my third year studying in Leeuwarden. I went for a very exciting programme, connected to Media, and currently I am doing a practical minor called Art’n’Sound at NHL Hogeschool. More
YourPost Chief Editors interview: Aukje Mulder & Piet Prins
Piet Prins and Aukje Mulder are a married couple of experienced journalists and nowadays they are the editors-in-chief of YourPost. They are volunteering for the work and they make me realise nothing else matters when you love what you are doing. I had the chance to interview them at the Blokhuispoort. When they arrive, they are as nice as the last and only time I met them and after a few minutes we start the interview. More
Media Art Festival 2016
LEEUWARDEN – The nineteenth edition of the Media Art Festival in Leeuwarden took place during the first two weeks of December 2016. YourPost was present on the opening night. More