Hey, my name is Leonhard Wildhagen, but usually everybody calls me Leo. I am a 24 year-old student from Germany. I am studying Media and Entertainment Management at NHL Stenden university Leeuwarden for about 2 years now. So, I had a lot of time to experience this beautiful city. I am originally from a small town in western Germany, called Recklinghausen. However, after my high school graduation, I started moving around a lot and traveled the world and ended up in Leeuwarden. Since then, it is the only place I would consider as home.
I started studying sociology in Germany, before I came to the Netherlands. I did not like the subject and German universities did not have anything to offer, which I was interested in. Therefore, I became some kind of an educational refugee and came to Leeuwarden to find something that fits me more. I have to say, I found something better and right now, I am more than sad that my time in this beautiful and cozy town will be over this summer. I am going to leave for an exchange to Mexico.
I have experienced this city from all its sides and I must say, the small scenic streets in the city center combined with the green lungs of Leeuwarden, such as the Prinsentuin, caught my heart. I am looking forward to my last summer here,