I am Laura Liliana Apostol, 19 years old from Bucharest, Romania. Leeuwarden has become my hometown ever since I came here in September, to start my studies at Stenden University. Starting from the first day, I knew that Leeuwarden will become my home, as I felt very comfortable and peaceful in it. More
Posts with: DNA Leeuwarden
Monika Rojute from Lithuania – YourPost’s DNA
My name is Monika Rojūtė, I am 23 years old and I am from the very north of Lithuania. I came to the Netherlands in 2014 after spending a year in England. I made this decision after searching for media studies in Europe. I ended up studying Media and Entertainment Management at Stenden university and now am a third-year student getting ready for my internship. More
Art in Leeuwarden, made of DNA
Margret Havinga (left) and Silvana Fancel during their visit to YourPost.
LEEUWARDEN – A project of test tubes and DNA. And yet there will not involve any blood or needle. We are talking about the ‘DNA of Leeuwarden’, a project under LF2018. Anyone who has a band with Leeuwarden can participate. ,,You give a piece of your DNA by filling the tube with something that is important to you,” tell project manager Margret Havinga and communications consultant Silvana Fancel. They recently were guests at the weekly YourPost meeting in ‘de Kanselarij’. More