Last year was the first edition of the Fryslân Photo Festival and this year again it was headed in Leeuwarden. Multiple Frisian photographers, professionals and experienced amateurs but also ‘newcomers’, tried their best to bring into vision the theme of this year: ‘Who am I?’. More
Posts with: Syria
A Syrian girl in Leeuwarden [3]
Since 2015 Friesland received approximately 2,250 adult refugees. Leeuwarden houses the majority of these immigrants, about 540. Naimee Alayobi, an 18-year-old Syrian girl told us her story and talked about her dreams and the challenges of starting over in the West. This part 3 of a series of 3. More
A Syrian girl in Leeuwarden [2]
Since2015 Friesland receivedapproximately 2,250 adult refugees. Leeuwarden houses the majority of these immigrants, about 540. Naimee Alayobi, an 18-year-old Syrian girl told us her story and talked about her dreams and the challenges of starting over in the West. This is part 2 of a series of 3. More
A Syrian girl in Leeuwarden [1]
Since 2015 Friesland received approximately 2,250 adult refugees. Leeuwarden houses the majority of these immigrants, about 540. We rarely get a chance to see the journey and difficulties of a refugee through the eyes of one of them. How is the integration with Dutch society, what are the obstacles of learning a new language, work, study. What are the biggest difficulties and what are the best things about living in Friesland. Naimee Alayobi, an 18-year-old Syrian girl told us her story and talked about her dreams and the challenges of starting over in the West. More