“Untitled,” created by Color Blind, Harke Broersma, Nash & B-Art
This work was created by Color Blind. He got help from Nash and B-Art. This was commissioned in November 2018 by the Writer’s Block Mural Art Festival on the wall of the local theatre De Harmonie. Color Blind knows the word “prejudices” virtually not at all. He himself is color blind. More
Posts with: Writer’s Block
Nummer 39, Leeuwarden’s newest place to spark creativity
The creative working space Nummer 39 is Leeuwarden’s newest location for all the creatives and entrepreneurs out there. To receive an insight behind the idea and creation of it, I interviewed Peter Reen, one of the founders of the art organization Writer’s Block and co-creator of Nummer 39. In the past Reen had been involved and initiated a number of art and music events in Leeuwarden and for quite a while now he had played a significant role in the city’s cultural and artistic scene. More