Street art in Leeuwarden [9]: Past – Present – Future

Whether you call him Earth Crusher, Dréor simply Marc-André, for his friends, this man is one of the most famous artists on the Montreal scene. He finally got the name Earth Crusher from the song Earthcrusher by Mr. Lif. He started painting on highways, railways and trains in the western districts of Montreal in 2003. More

Graffiti and Cultural Capital on the next level

If you walk from the Wilhelminaplein to the Station in Leeuwarden, you will notice some artworks. This time it is literally streetart, because there are five art works directly placed on the street, or more on the sidewalk. More

Street art in Leeuwarden [5]

This work is a reproduction of an artwork from the famous M.C. Escher. It is located at Princessehof, the ceramic museum in Leeuwarden. The artist used the motive of a bird or more birds very often in many different ways and developed various graphic styles. Next to the huge bird consisting out of many birds is a sign and it is written: ”De graficus M.C. Escher werd geboren in het Princessehof op 17 juni 1898. De muurplastiek, naar een houtgravure van zijn hand, werd onthuld op 20 juni 1998” Translation: ”The graphic artist M.C. Escherwas born in the Princessehof on June 17th 1898. The wall plastic, after a wood engraving by his hand, was unveiled on June 20th 1998”