YourPost’s DNA: Tomás O’Reilly from Spain

When people usually ask me the question “Where are you from?” I don’t have a straightforward  answer. So, first of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Tomás but people call me whatever: Tom, Tommy, Thomas… I’m half Spanish and half Irish, as you can see from my surname, O’Reilly, which is in my Spanish passport. Confusing, right?

I spent my childhood and youth in Spain, always spelling out my surname to teachers and civil servants and answering questions about my background to again, teachers, friends of friends and any random stranger who dared to ask the bloody question.

All in all, I consider myself to be an open and curious person, which led me to begin my studies in Journalism, which I hope they teach me the way to see things from a different point of view. Actually, working with YourPost is an important step in that direction. Learning the ins and outs of an institution like this and working hand in hand with people from all over the globe is both motivating and exciting.

The reason why I decided to come to the Netherlands for my Erasmus, is not very clear, even to me. For sure it is not the weather. I have been to many European countries and experienced the way they live but I had never really deepened in Dutch culture, although all the Dutchies I had met before were all extremely kind people, so my preconception of the country was really positive. And rightly so, the Dutch people did match the expectations, and also, Leeuwarden.

Returning to the topic, I consider myself a rugbyhead, so it would be quite common to find me at the pub cheering for the Boys in Green or whoever is playing against England, just the old rivals. Also, I like to play pool with some of the local Irishmen while enjoying a beer. But most of all, most people regard me as a music freak. I attempt to play bass for almost 10 years now so I find in Leeuwarden my new home to mingle with the local musicians and their scene, which I find amazing. Hopefully, I will be a journalistic guinea pig at YourPost and I will find a way to come across with some insight and a different approach to interesting things going on in Leeuwarden and Friesland.