When people usually ask me the question “Where are you from?” I don’t have a straightforward answer. So, first of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Tomás but people call me whatever: Tom, Tommy, Thomas… I’m half Spanish and half Irish, as you can see from my surname, O’Reilly, which is in my Spanish passport. Confusing, right? More
Posts with: DNALWD2018
YourPost’s DNA: Candela Cardona from Spain
My name is Candela, but you can call me Dela! I am a 20-years-old Journalism student. I come from Málaga, a city in southern Spain. I am an exchange student in the NHL Stenden, right now in Communication, and last semester in Transmedia Storytelling. More
Eternalize your mark in Leeuwarden with DNA
What is the best way to eternalize someone’s presence somewhere? A statue, perhaps. Or maybe a painting. Good options, but nothing can beat our DNA. The one thing that we all have in common but that makes each one of us different and unique. To celebrate that, Leeuwarden is collecting its citizens’ DNA. However, it is not what you would think. More
YourPost’s DNA: Nadja Nordström from Sweden
Hej/Hoi/Hello! My name is Nadja Nordström and I’m 24 years old. I was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. The purpose of my move to Leeuwarden is because I’m an exchange student at the NHL Stenden. My major and field is within Communications. Back home in Sweden, I study at a University called the Mid University, which is located in a town called Sundsvall. More
YourPost contributes to DNA artwork
The art project DNALWD2018 collects the personal stories or memories of everyone who has ‘something’ with Leeuwarden. Stories about work, friendship, hobby, the love for your partner or passion for your sport. The possibilities are endless. The editors of YourPost also feel involved in this community art project.