Kilian Harkema, about young entrepreneurship and the importance of films

What started out as a solution to find a fitting internship program, quickly transformed Kilian Harkema into a young entrepreneur. In 2018, after completing his third year of studying Media and Entertainment Management at NHL Stenden in Leeuwarden, Kilian was faced with the decision to apply for an internship… More

Final Jam: outstanding talents and musical performances, an unforgettable night

What had been Final Roar and Final Call last year, has now become one, Final Jam. The Music Management minor of Media & Entertainment Management NHL Stenden and the Student Council of Creative Business decided to collaborate to create an unforgettable evening on the 20th of July, outlined by a large variety of different national and international musicians. To give you a little insight behind the scenes, YourPost talked to the organizers and planners of Final Jam. More

Language Café Leeuwarden, where internationals and locals connect, share and learn

Founded by Ilse Pixner, Nikki Webster, Inge de Boer, Marcel Keizer and Mirjam van Lenthe, five language teachers from NHL Stenden and the Friesland College, the Language Café has established itself to a popular meeting place for locals and internationals in Leeuwarden. More

Le Bal Masqué, “behind the mask, who are you?”

Leeuwarden’s student scene had, once again, another unforgettable night. Together with StuRa LEM (Leisure & Events Management), IBCO organized their first mask ball at Club Red on May 22nd. Inspired by the success of former collaborations, as the “Office Party”, the two student councils decided to organize another night full of laughter, mystery, music and more. To receive an insight into the event, the idea behind it and the future plans for Le Bal Masqué, “Your Post” interviewed Ryan Faber, president of IBCO and initiator of the event. More

Café Moon, how Instagram transformed Leeuwarden’s culinary scene

Elin Dikker, one of the baristas who works at Leeuwarden’s newest Instagram spot, gives insights into the café, it’s connection to Novelle, the idea behind it and the secrets that make it so very special. More

StuCo Creative Business Media Event 2019: Children in Media

Should children be portrayed in media and does the portrayal of children and kids cartoon characters have an influence on media literacy and mental health? These and other questions were the topics of this year’s annual media debate event hosted by the Student Council of Creative Business (StuCo CB) at NHL Stenden. To receive an insight behind the scenes, YourPost talked to the contestants, the judges and the initiator. More

YourPost’s DNA: Marisa Greiner from Germany

What is DNA? There are different ways to define DNA. Scientifically speaking DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid, a molecule that contains the genetic information of the entire organism. It can be found in each cell; it is the ultimate “data base”. But what does that tell us? And does our DNA define what kind of person we become? More