YourPost´s DNA – Lydia Liersch from Germany

Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Lydia, I´m from Germany and a second year Media and Entertainment Management student, currently living in Leeuwarden. Even thought I grew up in a relatively small city close to the border, I haven´t been to the Netherlands often. More

Leeuwarden and the magical LUNA Festival

At the end of November, during Explore the North, as part of the ReOpening Festival of the European Cultural Capital event Leeuwarden-Fryslân 2018, the city center was the stage and enchanting backdrop for national and international light artists and designers who literally put the city in a different light. With the help of a tour, it was possible to explore all the hidden places and learn something about the artist and the artwork. Therefore, some light installations were connected with movement and noise. More

Asteriks, Leeuwarden’s most charmful venue

Despite Leeuwarden’s size compared to other Dutch cities, it has interesting music places in almost every corner, a combination that is perfect for developing a solid music scene. Blokhuispoort probably hosts the most peculiar of all venues in the Frisian capital. Once you go through the stone arch that hosts the main entrance of the building, you walk across the first courtyard where you can find a café and the library above it, if you glance to the left. Carry on to the second courtyard and in the further left corner you will see the entrance of Asteriks. Although this might be hard to believe, up a spiral stone staircase, almost claustrophobic, you will find… a concert hall. More

A new home for the hopeful

What will the future bring and how does it look like? Exactly this is the question what the curators Maarten Hajer and Michiel van Iersel asked in order to create content for the current exhibition “Places of Hope”. The results and artworks can be visit in the Kanselarij until the 22nd of November 2018. More

Lend a Frisian

The day and age in which libraries merely offer books for lend are long gone, think about for example cd’s and dvd’s. The Libraries here in Friesland now even offer Frisians for lend, that’s right, actual Frisians. Libraries serve the purpose of distributing knowledge from one to another. What better way to learn about Fryslân’s unique aspects than by hearing about it from a real Frisian. More

Tranformation of the Blokhuispoort

LEEUWARDEN – Since the closure of the Blokhuispoort as a prison in 2007, the building is getting a new look and function. The Blokhuispoort is becoming the cultural heart of Leeuwarden. It is being transformed into an extraordinary cultural business centre, which offers for instance shops, art, concerts, the central library, work spaces for students, a hostel, and a restaurant in a great setting. Alibi hostel is finished already and visited to get an impression of the new look. More

Blokhuispoort, the old jail of Leeuwarden is now the cultural heart of the city

LEEUWARDEN – Have you ever wondered how a real jail looks like or what is the atmosphere? Leeuwarden has been permanently inhabited since the 10th century and was granted town in 1435. Moreover, the city was liberated from German occupation during World War II and visitors can see lots of old buildings. One of them is the old jail of Leeuwarden: Blokhuispoort built in 1499 as a type of fort and was turned into a prison in 1580 used till 1995. More