Hello, my name is Kristine, Kristina or just Kris. I am a 22-year-old Latvian girl. I am not the typical Latvian girl because I have multinational roots. My grandparents are from Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Latvia. That is why I speak Latvian and Russian languages fluently. In my family we speak only Russian language, but the Latvian language I use whilst speaking with professionals. More
Posts with: Europe
Leeuwarden: 2018, we won’t forget you!
Leeuwarden, as one of European Capitals of Culture in 2018, has ended its glory and transferred the title to next two cities which are Matera (Italy) and Plovdiv (Bulgaria). On November 25th, I went to attend the event which was ‘Slotavond ReOpening’ at the Oldehoofsterkerkhof. More
The City Greenhouse as festival heart at the Oldehoofsterkerkhof
During the cultural city festival ‘Explore the North’ a real Stadskas – a town greenhouse – was erected at the Oldehoofsterkerkhof. Inside you could drink or eat something. Next to this glass house was a gigantic picture exhibition to marvel at. The photos portrayed moments from the whole year of Leeuwarden Cultural Capital. More
Voodoo in Fryslân, Explore the North Festival 2018
The List: creating awareness in the center of Leeuwarden
Walking around the main street of the center of Leeuwarden during this month, we could find something that in the beginning we might not identify. Close to the canal, there were some fences with white canvas full of names. What were these names? What did they represent? More
A look inside Valletta2018
Cultural capitals always come in pares. This year, Leeuwarden is linked with the capital of Malta: Valletta. Narrow Streets, music around every corner and lots of terraces characterize this historic city. The Valletta 2018 Cultural Programme is a collection of over 140 projects and 400 events, which mostly have already taken place.Valletta has invested strongly in a programme that involves international and local artists collaborate. A total of 10 million has been spendon several infrastructure projects to evolve and expand even beyond 2018. Time for me to check out if you can actually see something from these investments in the city. More
Different biking cultures between Leeuwarden and Taipei
I heard that Dutch people ride their bikes a lot, but I couldn’t imagine how big it is until I arrived at Leeuwarden. More
Meeting the Mayor
Almost 100 international students gathered together the last 15th of October in front of the Town Hall door in the center of Leeuwarden. What could have brought them there? The answer is Ferd Crone, the mayor of Leeuwarden. He has been in office for almost 11 years and two weeks ago he welcomed the international students to the city. More
Through the eyes of… Kristine Moiseikova from Latvia: Very kind and open-minded people
Waking up one morning, I found myself in a new world. Everything seemed so different, but I enjoyed it. I liked that I can explore my new world. I had never been to the Netherlands before. I didn’t know anything about this country. Thus, the more interesting it was for me to get acquainted with it. More
YourPost’s DNA: Feng Chien Kao (Connie) from Taiwan
Hi! My Chinese name is Feng Chien Kao, and my English name is Connie. People usually call me Connie because it is hard to pronounce “Feng Chien”. I am 22 years old. I come from Taiwan, which is roughly the same size as the Netherlands and it is surrounded by the sea. I live in Taipei, which is the capital in Taiwan. More
YourPost is ready for the new season
We proudly present you the new – international – YourPost team for the upcoming season. As always, enthusiastic volunteers and communication and media students from NHL / Stenden. In the coming time, students from the Netherlands and colleagues from Taiwan, Lithuania, Spain and Romania will be present at the YourPost editorial office. And all of them are buzzing with ideas! So keep an eye on our YourPost page or visit www.yourpost.frl
Through the eyes of… Feng Chien Kao (Connie) from Taiwan: Clean Air and Small Classes
After 13 hours flight, I arrived at Schiphol Airport. It was the first time I visited to Europe. Everything was so new and fresh. I was surprised that the Dutch were so tall. I seemed like a child in the crowd. More
A Syrian girl in Leeuwarden [3]
Since 2015 Friesland received approximately 2,250 adult refugees. Leeuwarden houses the majority of these immigrants, about 540. Naimee Alayobi, an 18-year-old Syrian girl told us her story and talked about her dreams and the challenges of starting over in the West. This part 3 of a series of 3. More
Through the eyes of… Tania Poyuelo from Spain: giants and festivals
Hello! My name is Tania and I am from Spain. I have been an exchange student in Leeuwarden for one month already, and I still can remember the day I arrived here. More
Through the eyes of… Martina Andrés from Spain: smiling people and strange eating times
Coming to the Netherlands has been one of the most exciting adventures in my life. And it still is. I don’t know exactly what I expected when I first came here. Meeting new people, discovering amazing places, learn, have fun, these are things we all think about when we face a situation like this, when we leave our home countries and take the decision of starting a new life anywhere else. More
A Syrian girl in Leeuwarden [2]
Since2015 Friesland receivedapproximately 2,250 adult refugees. Leeuwarden houses the majority of these immigrants, about 540. Naimee Alayobi, an 18-year-old Syrian girl told us her story and talked about her dreams and the challenges of starting over in the West. This is part 2 of a series of 3. More
A Syrian girl in Leeuwarden [1]
Since 2015 Friesland received approximately 2,250 adult refugees. Leeuwarden houses the majority of these immigrants, about 540. We rarely get a chance to see the journey and difficulties of a refugee through the eyes of one of them. How is the integration with Dutch society, what are the obstacles of learning a new language, work, study. What are the biggest difficulties and what are the best things about living in Friesland. Naimee Alayobi, an 18-year-old Syrian girl told us her story and talked about her dreams and the challenges of starting over in the West. More
Through the eyes of… Marieke Sucker from Germany: Pretty tiny houses and open people
Before I started my studies here in Leeuwarden, I had never been to the Netherlands, even though it only takes me a three-hour road trip from where I used to live in Germany. Why I never came here? I don’t know, maybe because I thought as close neighbours of Germany, the Netherlands wouldn’t be so different andtherefor uninteresting. But only my very first visitprovedme wrong. I was really surprised on the first sight and never stop discovering habits, behaviours, traditions, and places that are different from Germany. More
Welcome to the Village: it started off on a beer mat
The festival that started off on a beer mat. Welcome to the Village was established in 2013. A group of friends that form the organization of ‘Poppodium Asteriks’ were having a drink together and decided they wanted to do something outside, a festival. This soon turned into a unique festival that is becoming more popular every year. Rutger Smit, festival- and production coordinator of Welcome to the Village (see picture),is giving us a better look at the festival. More
Gondolatours, Hette van den Brink
Where music and language diversity collide
There are more than 7000 languages worldwide, maybe even more. Wednesday, May 23 2018, the Liet International Festival offered artists who sing in a minority or regional language a stageto bring different cultures and languages together. More