Through the eyes of… Tomás O’Reilly Gallardo from Spain: The irony and excessive kindness

I arrived in Leeuwarden on January 26th. Prior to my Erasmus application, I had never heard of the city or even Friesland for that matter, so I didn’t really know what to expect. I read in forums that students here had a wonderful time, but I was unsure whether this tiny northern Dutch city would suit me, what would the people be like and a thousand other questions that were flying through my head. It was already dark when I set foot outside the station and the first thing I saw was a whole set of party-like lights and decoration. It was indeed the first of many times I was going to hear the words “Cultural Capital of Europe”. More

Broodje Bewust: The cafe that is always one step ahead

The fact that the Netherlands is below the sea level ishardly any news and neither is the fact that we are currently struggling with a huge climate threat. Having the earth and the future in mind, there have been different trends that can be followed in order to think and act sustainable. Not only, from a human perspective, but also from a local company perspective. More

Through the eyes of… Karolina Dasenkovaite from Lithuania: Wooden shoes and a greeting from the bus driver

Early morning. You open your eyes and see the world. The world, that is completely new to you, whose walls are freshly painted with the bright new colors you see around yourself. New surroundings, new people, new experiences, new, new, new… More

YourPost’s DNA: Tomás O’Reilly from Spain

When people usually ask me the question “Where are you from?” I don’t have a straightforward  answer. So, first of all, let me introduce myself. I’m Tomás but people call me whatever: Tom, Tommy, Thomas… I’m half Spanish and half Irish, as you can see from my surname, O’Reilly, which is in my Spanish passport. Confusing, right? More

A world of languages in Leeuwarden

Languages are mysterious things. Somehow, different people around the globe over thounsands of years managed to create their own, unique languages. Have you ever wondered how many are out there? What do they look like or even sound like? Here in Leeuwarden, there’s just the place where you can find these answers! More

People of Leeuwarden [1]: Patrick Ricao

We are happy to introduce to you our first story about an emerging musician living in Friesland. Patrick Ricao is a singer/songwriter whom I met around three years ago. More

Show your Arts on 20x18cm

Gallery Westerkade organises the exhibition ‘Artist show your Arts on 20×18 in 2018’. In this exhibition more than 500 block panels of the format of 20x18cm, made by more than 350 artists from many different fields, are displayed. More

Eternalize your mark in Leeuwarden with DNA

What is the best way to eternalize someone’s presence somewhere? A statue, perhaps. Or maybe a painting. Good options, but nothing can beat our DNA. The one thing that we all have in common but that makes each one of us different and unique. To celebrate that, Leeuwarden is collecting its citizens’ DNA. However, it is not what you would think. More

YourPost’s DNA: Nadja Nordström from Sweden

Hej/Hoi/Hello! My name is Nadja Nordström and I’m 24 years old. I was born and raised in Stockholm, Sweden. The purpose of my move to Leeuwarden is because I’m an exchange student at the NHL Stenden. My major and field is within Communications. Back home in Sweden, I study at a University called the Mid University, which is located in a town called Sundsvall. More

People of Leeuwarden – Intro

Attention readers! The YourPost team is happy to announce to you its newest rubric –“People of Leeuwarden”. Dedicated specially to people and for people to read, this rubric will tell the stories of different men and women who live in Leeuwarden. Our ultimate goal is to show the diverse citizens of this beautiful city and to introduce them to you –our readers. More

People of Leeuwarden – A new series – Intro

Attention readers! The YourPost team is happy to announce to you its newest rubric –“People of Leeuwarden”. Dedicated specially to people and for people to read, this rubric will tell the stories of different men and women who live in Leeuwarden. Our ultimate goal is to show the diverse citizens of this beautiful city and to introduce them to you –our readers.

Every week we will publish a photo of a person whose life you will read about. However, not everything will be revealed with the photo –the YourPost team hopes to give you the chance to guess and discuss what this person’s story is. We ask you to be creative and to give your honest (and nice) opinion about the lovely people that we will introduce to you. A day after the photo has been shared with you, we will publish an official post about the person on our Website.

You can expect our first story this week –  gather up your ideas and let your imagination work.

New energy after the holidays

photo: Steven Hulzinga

The spring break is over and the editors of YourPost are taking on new energy! The program includes beautiful articles/series and sparkling video reports. Here a part of our editorial team, on the steps of de Kanselarij. In addition to Dutch, our team currently consists of students / volunteers from Romania, Germany, Bulgaria, Lithuania, Afghanistan, Sweden, Spain, Brazil and Austria.

YourPost’s DNA: Anna Greifeneder from Austria

How to introduce myself? Let’s see: My name is Anna Greifeneder, I am 23 years old and I am currently an exchange student Communication at NHL Stenden. I am born and raised in a small city in Austria, called Wels. It was always one of my wishes to study abroad and therefore, to get the chance to be part of Erasmus programme for one semester seemed perfect to me. More