“Untitled,” created by Color Blind, Harke Broersma, Nash & B-Art
This work was created by Color Blind. He got help from Nash and B-Art. This was commissioned in November 2018 by the Writer’s Block Mural Art Festival on the wall of the local theatre De Harmonie. Color Blind knows the word “prejudices” virtually not at all. He himself is color blind. More
Posts with: Experience
Language Café Leeuwarden, where internationals and locals connect, share and learn
Founded by Ilse Pixner, Nikki Webster, Inge de Boer, Marcel Keizer and Mirjam van Lenthe, five language teachers from NHL Stenden and the Friesland College, the Language Café has established itself to a popular meeting place for locals and internationals in Leeuwarden. More
Le Bal Masqué, “behind the mask, who are you?”
Leeuwarden’s student scene had, once again, another unforgettable night. Together with StuRa LEM (Leisure & Events Management), IBCO organized their first mask ball at Club Red on May 22nd. Inspired by the success of former collaborations, as the “Office Party”, the two student councils decided to organize another night full of laughter, mystery, music and more. To receive an insight into the event, the idea behind it and the future plans for Le Bal Masqué, “Your Post” interviewed Ryan Faber, president of IBCO and initiator of the event. More
Tips About Leeuwarden
Leeuwarden is a located in the northeast of the Netherlands in the Dutch province called Friesland. This article aims to give interested following exchange students some useful tips about Leeuwarden and the Netherlands in general, but also for people that are searching for a nice weekend trip. More
Café Moon, how Instagram transformed Leeuwarden’s culinary scene
Elin Dikker, one of the baristas who works at Leeuwarden’s newest Instagram spot, gives insights into the café, it’s connection to Novelle, the idea behind it and the secrets that make it so very special. More
StuCo Creative Business Media Event 2019: Children in Media
Should children be portrayed in media and does the portrayal of children and kids cartoon characters have an influence on media literacy and mental health? These and other questions were the topics of this year’s annual media debate event hosted by the Student Council of Creative Business (StuCo CB) at NHL Stenden. To receive an insight behind the scenes, YourPost talked to the contestants, the judges and the initiator. More
Nummer 39, Leeuwarden’s newest place to spark creativity
The creative working space Nummer 39 is Leeuwarden’s newest location for all the creatives and entrepreneurs out there. To receive an insight behind the idea and creation of it, I interviewed Peter Reen, one of the founders of the art organization Writer’s Block and co-creator of Nummer 39. In the past Reen had been involved and initiated a number of art and music events in Leeuwarden and for quite a while now he had played a significant role in the city’s cultural and artistic scene. More
YourPost’s DNA: Marisa Greiner from Germany
What is DNA? There are different ways to define DNA. Scientifically speaking DNA is short for deoxyribonucleic acid, a molecule that contains the genetic information of the entire organism. It can be found in each cell; it is the ultimate “data base”. But what does that tell us? And does our DNA define what kind of person we become? More
YourPost’s DNA: L.Morelli from Italy – How living in Leeuwarden helped me grow
I remember the first time I walked in Leeuwarden streets. It was a cold winter and I had decided to visit the city for a couple days before deciding to start my bachelor the next February. After I checked in at the hotel, just in front of the train station, I left my bags and went for my first walk in the city. At that moment I had been living in Amsterdam for almost six months and I was almost used to the chaos, traffic, noisy tourists and pickpockets. More
YourPost’s DNA: Raquel Moreira de Sousa from Portugal
Hi, my name is Raquel. I came from Lisbon, Portugal, where I study Marketing and Advertising and I ́m on my last year of graduation. My father is from Angola and my mother is from a little town in Portugal. I have one sister and a lot of cousins. My favourite part of the year is when we all meet at my grandmother’s farm and make a big dinner all together. More
YourPost´s DNA – Lydia Liersch from Germany
Let me briefly introduce myself. My name is Lydia, I´m from Germany and a second year Media and Entertainment Management student, currently living in Leeuwarden. Even thought I grew up in a relatively small city close to the border, I haven´t been to the Netherlands often. More
YourPost´s DNA: Alexander Willermann from Germany
Hello reader, nice to see that you are interested in my post. My name is Alexander Willermann. I’m 25 years old and from a middle-sized town in Germany called Osnabrück. More
YourPost’s DNA: Andreia Pires from Portugal
Hi, my name is Andreia I’m 20 years old and I am from Portugal. I live in a small town call São Pedro do Estoril it’s amazing because it’s near the sea and every day when I wake up and open my window I can smell the beach. In my home country, I’m studying Marketing and Advertising. In Leeuwarden, I’m studying the Communication course at NHL Stenden University. I choose this course because I wanted to develop my communication skills using a different language than my own. More
YourPost’s DNA: Sarah de Thy from France
Hoi, my name is Sarah and I am a 21-year-old French girl from Paris. Since my childhood, I have always wanted to live in the Netherlands and that is not a coincidence. Indeed, my grandmother lived in the Netherlands for thirty years and I was visiting her every vacation. For as long as I can remember I know that I wanted to come to this country one day and build a life there as I fell in love with this country, the culture, the food and the people. I liked everything about this place except for the wind maybe! More
YourPost’s DNA: Nanna from Denmark
Hej/Hoi/Hello to you dear reader! My name is Nanna. I am a 25-years-young Danish Viking. Yes, I am a very proud Dane. I think I am the typical Scandinavian girl – blue eyes and dark blond hair. I was born and raised in Roskilde, I don’t know if you know where that is, but it’s 30 minutes from Copenhagen and very famous for Roskilde Festival, which is also the biggest festival in Scandinavia, ring a bell? No? Use google. More
YKF: Keeping the marketing talent for the north
YFK Marketing is an agency with an innovative concept, operating in an innovative sector. It is no surprise that they reached the finals of De HET of 058, the entrepreneurs award of Leeuwarden. More
YourPost’s DNA: Martina Andrés from Andalusia
Hoi! My name is Martina, I am 20 years old and I come from Andalusia, in the south of Spain. I am an exchange student, studying Communication at NHL Stenden. I have been almost 2 months in Leeuwarden and I am going to be here till February. I came here because I really wanted to have this international experience, have the opportunity to know this wonderful and interesting country and meet people from all around the world. More
CIN-ergy, finalist De HET: the best kept secret of Leeuwarden
CIN-ergy is one of the finalists of De HET, the entrepreneur award of Leeuwarden. They are established in a from the outside unobtrusive building at Hemrik, but they have clients as far away as America, South-Korea, and the Middle-East. More
Bureau Schmidt, finalist De HET: recognition for tremendously hard work
Bureau Schmidt is one of the finalists of De HET of 058, the entrepreneurship-award of Leeuwarden. It is an engineering consultancy working on infrastructure, on “everything you see outside,” except the buildings. More
Violet Sithole, Frysian beauty with a purpose
It’s not a secret that Friesland houses some of the most beautiful women and successful models of The Netherlands. Not excluded are the two models who participate in Miss Supermodel Worldwide Africa (MSWAfrica), a national beauty pageant for women with an African background. The winner of MSWAfrica progresses to Miss Supermodel Worldwide, an international pageant in India where she will represent The Netherlands. The next model is Tariro Violet Sithole, a 19 year old Zimbabwean native who moved to Leeuwarden five months ago. More
Three finalists De HET of 058 announced
Who can call him- or herself the best entrepreneur of Leeuwarden for the year 2019? Who will run off with the ‘De HET’ trophy? On February first, the three finalists of the ‘Leeuwarder ondernemersprijs’ (Leeuwarden entrepreneur award) were announced during a lunch meeting in the ‘Kanselarij’. More