Mayor Crone: ,,Students bring energy to the city” [1]

Foto: Jacob van Essen

LEEUWARDEN – Mayor of Leeuwarden, Ferd. J.M. Crone hosted Eric Blomqvist and me at the city hall. We had a chance to talk about students and many other things. According to the Mayor students are a big part of the city and they are so important for the atmosphere in Leeuwarden. More

Robert Vartanov – The art of capturing a moment

LEEUWARDEN – ,,I’ve always been fascinated by any kind of technology and art, obviously photography is a perfect combination of these two disciplines. Photography has many facets and art photography is only one of them. A camera can be a powerful tool for a great many works. I continuously try to explore all the facets of photography and keep learning,” says Robert Vartanov. More

Bright woman with a colourful soul

LEEUWARDEN – Nynke is an owner of the most colourful shop in Leeuwarden, and is one of the brightest women of the city with a friendly and sweet smile. Keeping this shop is not only a responsibility she does, but it is also her hobby. What Nynke loves are colours and the ways people express themselves by using different colours. The owner of “Nyna” told me an inspiring and “colourful” story about the moments in her life. More

Art in Leeuwarden, made of DNA

Margret Havinga (left) and Silvana Fancel during their visit to YourPost.

LEEUWARDEN – A project of test tubes and DNA. And yet there will not involve any blood or needle. We are talking about the ‘DNA of Leeuwarden’, a project under LF2018. Anyone who has a band with Leeuwarden can participate. ,,You give a piece of your DNA by filling the tube with something that is important to you,” tell project manager Margret Havinga and communications consultant Silvana Fancel. They recently were guests at the weekly YourPost meeting in ‘de Kanselarij’. More

Souvenirs inspired by Workumer pottery

LEEUWARDEN – European Capital of Culture 2018 is coming soon, as everyone is busy for the upcoming thousands of tourists arriving to visit Friesland. Especially Simone Larabi, an interior designer interested in presenting to future tourists, the origins and heritage of Friesland through her project “Souvenirs geïnspireerd op Workumer aardewerk” (Souvenirs inspired by Workumer pottery). More

The Frisian sport kaatsen

The winners of the P.C. of 2016

Kaatsen is a sport that has been played for centuries but it’s very limited to one area. That area is Friesland in the northern part of the Netherlands. In some ways it is a unique sport. ,,There are other forms of kaatsen all over the world but they are not similar to Frisian kaatsen”, says Robert Roosjen, chairman of LKC Sonnenborgh in Leeuwarden. More

Eleven Cities to explore

For all the foreign visitors in 2018, of course Leeuwarden has a lot to offer, but THERE’s MORE! Leeuwarden is the capital of a province called Friesland and a lot of things do happen in region. The province is famous for their eleven cities ice skating tour, which is unfortunately not held that often (Damn you global warming). But for tourists there are alternatives! More

New international students meet mayor

Leeuwarden Studiestad organised an event in cooperation with municipality of Leeuwarden. New international students who have been started their education this semester hosted by the mayor of Leeuwarden, Drs. Ferd Crone at the city hall. Around one hundred students came together in the council meeting chamber with the mayor. More

Yoga classes in Leeuwarden

LEEUWARDEN – Meet Benny Rebergen who has always been fascinated by how a good interaction could be either at dinner with his parents or the positive impact of the time spend in the gym. This interest brought him to Amsterdam where he studied communication for three years and then later to Stenden University where he got his BBA in Hospitality. Today Benny is an entrepreneur here in Leeuwarden and teaching yoga and doing some coaching in his studio in Leeuwarden called ‘Adem in Yoga’ near the campus of Stenden University. More

Award-winning exhibition about Alma-Tadema in the ‘Fries museum’

LEEUWARDEN – ‘Epic’, ‘dazzling’, ‘spectacular’: all terms used by The Guardian UK and The Huffington Post US to describe the Alma-Tadema show in the Fries Museum in Leeuwarden, Capital of Culture 2018. With his seductive scenery and vivid and realistic evocations of the classical world Alma-Tadema manages to enchant all his viewers. As a convincing storyteller, he brings stories from classical ancient world to life through his paintings. More

Frisian Congress: improving Friesland

frisian-congressLEEUWARDEN – Frisian countryside is the most beautiful part of the Netherlands, with wonderful sceneries where archaic architecture meets modern influences. However, Frisian countryside is not only about beautiful architecture and splendid nature, but mostly about people. Many may ask how people can define a place. Well, for Friesland this is possible, as people are the ones who make this place unique. More

Leip! Festival brings people together

LEEUWARDEN – Leip! Festival is the number 1 attraction in Leeuwarden every September. The festival is aimed at welcoming new students to the city and offers various activities for more than a week, all throughout Leeuwarden. With various concerts, club offers, food trucks, games, activities and a cinema, Leip! attracts more and more people every year. More