Young entrepreneurs and their business idea Your Sustainability Guide

Meet two talented young women Zalia and Sintija, who are both 23 years old. Zalia Omar is from Germany, but she grew up in Germany and Tanzania whereas Sintija is from Latvia. What connected them was not only their choice of study, but also the passion for having their own business. I had the chance to interview them and ask more about their business idea. More

Interview with Aneta from Vilnius: “Leeuwarden is a beautiful and cozy city”

Studying abroad comes with a lot of opportunities and the chance to meet students all around the world, and the university NHL Stenden is a perfect place for that. Meet the Creative Business student Aneta Gaidamovic, who is 21 years old girl from Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania. Aneta is a second-year student, and her hobbies are photography and design. I had the chance to interview her and ask her about her studies. More

YourPost’s DNA: Renée Kramer from the Netherlands

Good day everyone! My name is Renée, and I am a 22-year-old Creative Business student here in Leeuwarden. I was born in Espel, which is a very small village in the province of Flevoland, Netherlands. In Espel, there are a lot of farms and I was quite literally raised between the beautiful tulip and potato fields. You can definitely think of me as a farm girl, I don’t mind. But continue reading if you want to learn a bit more about me. More

YourPost’s DNA: Aleksandra Levunlieva from Bulgaria

Hi, there! My name is Aleksandra, but you can call me Aleks or Lexi. I am from a small city in the southwestern part of Bulgaria that is called Blagoevgrad, and it is famous for its nature and friendly and hospitable people. In fact, the city is very close to the Greece and North Macedonian border. You should definitely visit it someday. But enough for the town, let me tell you something about myself.  More

YourPost’s DNA: Iva Karamfilova from Bulgaria

Hello! My name is Iva. I am 20 years old, and I am from Vidin, Bulgaria. It is a small north-western town near the Danube river, close to the borders with Romania and Serbia. It is famous for the breathtaking medieval fortress called ‘Baba Vida’. I am a second-year student in the Creative Business course at NHL Stenden. In my spare time here, I love singing, watching movies, and going out in nature with friends. More

A theatre teacher during the pandemic

Once the corona virus outbreak was upon us, people’s lives all around the world changed drastically. No longer were we able to go to work, visit new and interesting places, or meet most of our loved ones. Everyone is trying to deal with the situation and make the best out of it. Let’s look at Nienke van der Ploeg, a theatre teacher who works at Loods13 Theatre in Emmen, the Netherlands. Let’s see how she is giving her acting classes and staying productive during these unprecedented times. More

Bulgarians in Leeuwarden [1]

It’s not a surprise that the Netherlands is the place where many high school graduates go to in order to continue their studies. With friendly environment, rich culture and high-quality education, the country draws in students from a myriad of places around Europe and the world. Studying in the Netherlands has recently risen in popularity in my home country, Bulgaria. Just in NHL Stenden alone, there are well-over 100 Bulgarians, in all of the courses that the university has to offer. More

Speakeasy Dr Watson: back to the 20’s

The year 2020 just started and rang in a new era. However, the 1920’s, also known as the roaring 20’s are still 100 years later one of the most remembered and romanticized decades of the 20th century. Flappers, jazz, economic prosperity, the prohibition, boisterous parties, the Great Gatsby and Peaky Blinders are probably the first things most of us think about in connection to this time. More

The weather in Leeuwarden

The weather in the Netherlands is known to be unpredictable. Sunshine in one moment and rain in the next. To add to this, the flat landscape leaves no obstacles for wind. One would like to call the weather of the Netherlands a real beastly weather. Should that stop internationals from coming to the Netherlands, coming to Leeuwarden? No, absolutely not. More

Street art in Leeuwarden [9]: Past – Present – Future

Whether you call him Earth Crusher, Dréor simply Marc-André, for his friends, this man is one of the most famous artists on the Montreal scene. He finally got the name Earth Crusher from the song Earthcrusher by Mr. Lif. He started painting on highways, railways and trains in the western districts of Montreal in 2003. More

Brownies & downieS: “Pure is perfect”

If you are already living in Leeuwarden you might have heard of the Brownies & downieS café right at the edge of the centre of the city, with a beautiful view on the gracht (canal) and the park close by. I asked myself what the café actually stands for and met the 25 year old Robin Alkema, one of the owners of the café, to get a little insight on what makes this place so special. More

Kilian Harkema, about young entrepreneurship and the importance of films

What started out as a solution to find a fitting internship program, quickly transformed Kilian Harkema into a young entrepreneur. In 2018, after completing his third year of studying Media and Entertainment Management at NHL Stenden in Leeuwarden, Kilian was faced with the decision to apply for an internship… More

Street art in Leeuwarden [8]: iamfake

This artifact deals with the conflict in the Middle East. On the left is a Palestinian, on the right a Zionist and in the middle an Israeli border guard. It shows how different parties are pulling on robes for the military to be active. At the same time, however it shows how Fake would like to see it. Play together joyfully and without conflict. This work was commissioned by the Writer’s Block Mural Festival in November 2018. More

Final Jam: outstanding talents and musical performances, an unforgettable night

What had been Final Roar and Final Call last year, has now become one, Final Jam. The Music Management minor of Media & Entertainment Management NHL Stenden and the Student Council of Creative Business decided to collaborate to create an unforgettable evening on the 20th of July, outlined by a large variety of different national and international musicians. To give you a little insight behind the scenes, YourPost talked to the organizers and planners of Final Jam. More

Street art in Leeuwarden [7]: The color-blind artist and his work

“Untitled,” created by Color Blind, Harke Broersma, Nash & B-Art
This work was created by Color Blind. He got help from Nash and B-Art. This was commissioned in November 2018 by the Writer’s Block Mural Art Festival on the wall of the local theatre De Harmonie. Color Blind knows the word “prejudices” virtually not at all. He himself is color blind. More

Language Café Leeuwarden, where internationals and locals connect, share and learn

Founded by Ilse Pixner, Nikki Webster, Inge de Boer, Marcel Keizer and Mirjam van Lenthe, five language teachers from NHL Stenden and the Friesland College, the Language Café has established itself to a popular meeting place for locals and internationals in Leeuwarden. More